01 / 02 / 2017
La directora del Instituto de Políticas Públicas, Kirsten Sehnbruch, expondrá un estudio durante el seminario ‘Instituciones informales y políticas multi-niveles: Comprendiendo el cambio institucional en Chile’ que está organizando el London School of Economics (Reino Unido). En el Reino Unido, ella es profesora visitante en Departamento de Desarrollo Internacioal del LSE, además de profesora asociada del Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos de la universidad de Cambridge. También es investigadora asociada del Centro de Estudios en Conflicto y Cohesión Social (COES).
Cuándo: Jueves 9 febrero, 14:00 hrs.
Dónde: Sala 9.05, piso 9, Torre 2 , Clement’s Inn, London School of Economics.
Ver más Aquí.
Resumen/Abstract (Inglés)
The increased focus on institutions in the political science literature during recent decades has been both satisfying and wanting: Institutional analysis uncovers the incentives and constraints that political actors face in achieving their goals, and it has established robust and convincing relationships between particular institutional configurations and the behaviors they shape. However, it has been less successful in uncovering the multidimensionality of the forces shaping political behavior where it departs from the conventional institutionalist wisdom.
This paper makes several contributions to the existing literature on informal institutions in Latin America, using the case of Chile as an example: based on the theoretical framework laid out by Helmke and Levitsky on informal institutions in Latin America, we extend the list of commonly analyzed informal institutions relevant to the Chilean case to include mechanisms that have not been considered from these perspectives before, such as campaign finance arrangements or clientelism. Second, we examine the dynamic nature of these informal institutions and discuss which factors change them over time. Third, we extend this list of informal institutions that are generally analyzed at the macro level to the meso and micro level by considering how these institutions shape local politics. Our research reveals that informal institutions together with an extended use of clientelist politics shape politics and policies at the local level, and have similarly helped grease the wheels of post-authoritarian politics in Chile.
Líneas de investigación de Kirsten Sehnbruch
La línea de investigación que persigue Kirsten Sehnbruch se enfoca principalmente sobre la conceptualización y la medición de la calidad del empleo en los paises en desarrollo, y se extiende a los mercados laborales, las políticas sociales y de desarrollo de América Latina.
En la actualidad está trabajando sobre un Proyecto de investigación acerca de instituciones políticas informales a niveles macro, meso y micro en Chile. Sus estudios han sido publicados en The Cambridge Journal of Economics, Development and Change, Latin American Perspectives and the International Labour Review. Es autora del libro ‘The Chilean Labor Market: A Key to Understanding Latin American Labor Markets (Palgrave Macmillan, 2006), y fue co-editora con Peter Siavelis de ‘Democratic Chile: The Politics and Policies of a Historic Coalition, 1990-2010’ (Lynne Rienner, 2014).